

If you need help, we have a list of frequently asked questions and answers. We strive to give you the best buying experience possible. Click a question below to view the answer:

How can I make payment?

We accept PayPal as well as VISA, Mastercard, debit and credit cards.

How can I prepare for an assessment?

To gain one of our certification/qualification you will be required to pass one of our assessments. Our scrum guide and book is a starting point. You may want to attend a preparatory class with one of our partners around the world.

Do you offer discounts and can’t I retake a failed assessment?

Those who attend courses with our partners may be eligible for discounts and you make want to speak with them. Each purchase (Test ID and password) is only valid for a single attempt. We strongly advise you revise the guides/syllabus with our partners.

Where can I write your exams?

Our partners are vetted and provide assessment under exam conditions. Our assessments are available online and we are currently working with test centres to provide test centre options and will provide further information in the near future.

Refund Policy.

We are happy to make refunds within 7 days if test I.d/password remain unused. However, we reserve the right to charge 50% administration fee to process your refund.

How long is a certificate valid for?

Scrum Foundation certificates are valid for 5 years.